A Woman’s Mystery

Discovering a woman’s mystery is a man’s greatest conquest, but when a woman discovers her mystery, it is her greatest gift to herself.


Yes, ladies, we are mysterious, and often times we are a mystery to ourselves. We are in a constant flux of learning about ourselves. We are capable of understanding ourselves, healing ourselves, and improving ourselves. But all too often, we are afraid of what we will discover. We are afraid of facing ourselves because we see that as a challenge. A challenge to own who we are, where we come from, what we are suffering, and/or the fear that we are incapable of overcoming a trauma. And I must also mention the challenge of facing our contribution to failed relationships. Touchy subject, I know. Another blog post on that subject will follow later on.

Discovering ourselves can be scary and intimidating. I know because I have journeyed through the dark alleys with my own self-discovery, and I definitely did not like everything I have learned about myself. Coming face-to-face with my mistakes was indeed hard to swallow. You see, we women are prideful too, even with ourselves. Looking in the mirror to admit a fault or failure in a situation can be disheartening or draining, right? But know this, there is solace in coming to grips with all of that. We long for so many things, but because we are not handed a manual to life and all of its complexities, it is through trial and error that we get a grip on who we are and what we want and need, such as love. It is part of the human condition to desire love, but if we don’t understand, accept, and know ourselves, how can we attract the kind of long-lasting love we were created to have? Take the time to discover yourself. Accept who you are, who you’ve been, what changes you need to make, and how far you’ve come, set some personal goals for yourself, and invest in yourself before looking for love. Once you have come to be at peace with knowing yourself, you will find that attracting the kind of love you desire will flow to you instead of swimming against the current. You won’t even have to look for it.

So here is the issue that blocks the flow of love:.  A man cannot discover in a woman what a woman has not yet discovered in herself. If she doesn’t know what she wants, how can he know? If a woman doesn’t have a standard for what she deserves, then how will he know? If a woman hasn’t dealt with her demons of the past, then how can he stand in the light outside of those shadows?

All this to say that the journey to self-discovery will lead to knowing your worth and what your standards will be in love and life. A woman’s worth is clearly emitted via her presence, and a man can see that in her demeanor and how she carries herself in regards to how she sees herself.

Let’s talk real talk for a second. The truth is, men are visual, and the initial impression of a woman is often influenced by her external appearance—her beauty, silhouette, attire, facial features, smile, hair, and physique. These visual cues can certainly catch his attention and spark interest. However, what sets apart a man who merely admires external beauty from one who pursues a woman is his ability to see beyond the surface. For some, the allure lies not just in her outward appearance but in the mystery that surrounds her—the depth of her character, the complexity of her thoughts and emotions, the enigma of her personality. It takes a discerning eye and a curious mind to recognize and appreciate this deeper level of attraction. A man who is captivated by a woman’s mystery is drawn not only to her physical beauty but also to the intrigue of unraveling her complexities, understanding her on a profound level, and forging a connection that transcends mere appearances. It’s this ability to see beyond external beauty and to appreciate the depth of a woman’s essence that distinguishes a truly perceptive and genuine pursuit.

Captivated by her enigma, he is intrigued by the layers of complexity within her. He’s not just interested in the surface, but in delving deep into her psyche and understanding her innermost thoughts and emotions. Her desires, dreams, and hopes are like puzzles waiting to be solved, and he’s determined to unravel them. Yet, he’s aware that there’s more to her than meets the eye—her past, her struggles, and her moments of vulnerability all contribute to the intricate tapestry of her being. Despite the mystery surrounding her, he finds himself irresistibly drawn to her, driven by an insatiable curiosity to comprehend the essence of who she is. It’s not merely about fascination; there’s a longing to connect with her on a profound level, to forge a bond that transcends the surface. As he embarks on this journey of discovery, he’ll uncover not only the enigma of her mind but also the depths of his own emotions and desires.

The intrigue will be so strong that he will want to invest time, despite the uphill climb to win her heart. Unfortunately, not many men seek to put in so much effort. Many seek only a one-night conquest because, in order to discover a woman’s mystery, it takes time, dedication, and love, not infatuation. Grant it, attraction may begin with a little infatuation, but when a man finds a woman intriguing and is drawn to really get to know her, now that is like actually finding the end of a rainbow. It is rare, but it exists. So ladies, trust me when I say that if you haven’t discovered your innermost self, checked in with yourself, recognized your worth, and accepted yourself, there is no way in the world you will be a mystery to any man if you remain a mystery to yourself.

~ Adriana Leon 4/19/2014

2 thoughts on “A Woman’s Mystery

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  1. Definitely discovering ourselves and accepting as we are is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves. Such a motivating post. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

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